Slovenian road trip, October 3-10, 2024


Into the Wild is a chance to take a moment for you. To dive deep into your wild woman self. To rediscover the wonder and beauty of both earth’s nature and YOUR nature. to do something you’ve never done before. To travel among like minded women from all walks of life who are sure in inspire and uplift you.

This trip is for you women who want the most fairytale version of Europe. You want charming castles in the middle of gorgeous lakes, bike rides along rivers in charming cities, quaint lunches in mountain huts, and forests of green divided by rivers of clear turquoise blue.

Do you have an interest in discovering a largely overlooked European country that is absolutely to die for in terms of quaintness and natural beauty? Are you sick of all the crowds in more popular countries? Do you want to move your body. by biking, paddling, and walking in some of the most stunning scenery on earth? Are you interested in self-rediscovery? Self-empowerment? Bringing out your inner wild woman?

If so- this retreat is for you, and women like you. Come as you are and leave as your best self, with new friends, new experiences, and a new zest for life and the outdoors.

Below is the information on what you’ll experience on this exciting and beautiful road trip through Slovenia.

Join us and rediscover your wild woman.



This trip is for women only. You can feel free to come alone and make new friends, or bring some friends along! Either way, you’re guaranteed a great time.


This Slovenian Road Trip is priced at $2499. You may pay in one or two installments. This price will includes everything except for airfare, alcoholic drinks, snacks, and souvenirs. All Lodging, transport, activities and meals are included. You’ll also need to get travel insurance which isn’t too expensive, but it is required and proof must be provided. You’ll also be required to sign a liability waiver.


October 3-10, 2024. You must book your flight to arrive on October 3rd to Ljubljana, Slovenia Airport. Please arrive anytime between noon and midnight (if you arrive after 6 pm you will miss the opening dinner, but sometimes that happens, it’s not a huge deal.)

The retreat ends on October 10th at 2pm. You can either try and get a flight home anytime 2pm or later that day, or you can self-fund one more night in Ljubljana on your own.

Slovenian Road Trip Itinerary:

October 3: Arrive in Ljubljana. You can arrive anytime after noon which is when Into the Wild will start arranging airport pickups. We’ll settle into our lodging and have an opening dinner feast! We can explore the city at night or head to bed to rest.

October 4: Spend the day in Ljubljana. There are so many wonderful things to see in this charming little city, including a charming castle, a gorgeous river running through the city, lovely cafes, museums, and we will cycle around the parks and stop to take in the views. Of course we will dine on delicious food all day as well!

October 5: Begin our road trip. We’ll head out to Lake Bled, one of the most picturesque sights in Slovenia. Depending on weather, we will either take a boat or paddle board out to the little island to explore the fairytale scenes. We’ll do a hike to Mala Osojnica so we can overlook the island we were just on- and we’re also going to check out Vintgar Gorge, a gorgeous, steep-walled river walk that’s about 3 km long and not challenging. We’ll spend the night in Lake Bled for two nights.

October 6: Day trip to Lake Bohinj! This lake area is completely gorgeous and there’s a lot of gorgeous nature to experience here. We will ride the Vogel Cable Car, walk the perimeter of the lake, enjoy the Savica Waterfall, and more. It will be a great outdoorsy day in one of the most gorgeous places in Europe!

October 7: Today we leave Lake Bled and travel to Bovec! Our drive includes passing through The Vrsic Pass in the Julian Alps. Views are going to be stunning. We even get to have lunch in a wonderful mountain hut, one of my favorite things to do! We will take a stop in the Soca Valley, known as the Emerald Beauty of Europe. This area is full of TRUE gorgeousness. There are also lots of WW1 sights and adorable little towns to explore. Tonight we will stay in the charming town of Bovec.

October 8: Today we will travel to  Goriska Brda, often described as the “Tuscany of Slovenia.” One of today’s highlights will be a multi-course feast of your dreams, but we will also see an incredible natural sight called Krcnik, visit a castle, and more. A day to remember!

October 9: Today we will leave Gorisk Brda and travel toward the Adriatic Coast. First, we will discover the Skocjan caves which are absolutely remarkable. Then we will continue our road trip to Piran, a charming walled city on the sea that is filled with history and charm! We’ll tour the city, dine,  and stay the night in Piran.

October 10: Breakfast, and leave Piran at 8am and head to Ljubljana, a 1.5 hour drive. You will depart this day, please make sure your flight is after 2pm. If you can’t find a flight after 2pm, you will stay in Ljubljana one more night but not with the group, it will be self-funded.


Women who like to have fun and explore! Women from anywhere. Women with a passion for the outdoors, travel, culture and meaningful experiences in the wild (and in this case, quaint little towns, too!). Women who want to uncover or rediscover themselves.


When is the last time you enjoyed a week for yourself? To develop the inner you and to have adventures you deserve? This is a trip not to be missed in a location you need to visit in your lifetime!


A women’s vacation and retreat built to help you rediscover you, your passions, and this beautiful earth you live on. An experience that will make you feel youthful and adventurous. A moment to be close whatever it is that drives you. A bonding experience not to be missed.

We will bike, walk, paddle, road trip, dine, explore and hike together. Make lots of new friends, and laugh a lot. Star and moon gaze. And we will create unforgettable memories, together, of course.

IMPORTANT NOTE: tHIS RETREAT WILL INVOLVE WILD ADVENTURES. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO STRIVE for and GET TO a fitness level where you could walk a city most of the day if necessary, and do a nature walk of about 3-4km. iF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS AT ALL ABOUT WHAT THIS MEANS, JUST ASK!

Disclaimer: Due to the nature of retreat planning- there are not refunds, only re-sales of your ticket in which you must find a buyer.

Lago di Antermoia, a very cold, brilliantly colored lake that we will see on our trek!

We aim for friendships to be formed with other wild women- it’s one of the top features of Into the Wild retreats, as stated by women who’ve participated in the past. ALL rooms are SHARED rooms. We know- this sounds scary. But it always turns out to be the best!


A reminder: your expenses are all paid, except your flights to and from Ljubljana from your home, extra alcohol, extra snacks and any souvenirs. We cover lodging, activities, food, transport, etc!

This is not a photography-based version of Into the Wild, but you may certainly bring your DSLR and ask advice or questions about photography and Wendy will be happy to help!


Women often learn better through experiences with other inspiring women. This female only retreat will be filled with warm, open, inviting leaders and attendees, who are all ready and waiting for a creative, immersive, life-changing experience.


To register for the Dolomites trip with a full payment of $2499, please click here.

To register with a half payment, click here.